Apex Steel Supplies South Australia is proud to annouce, Building has commenced on our new 22,000sqm, purpose built facility located on Caribou Drive, Direk SA.
“Centuria head of development Andre Bali said the project reflected the strong tenant CENTURIA Capital and Samaras Group have broken ground on a new $38.25m industrial warehouse for Apex Group. The 22,000sq m state-of the-art facility in Direk is being development fund-throughdemand for modern and highquality industrial facilities.
“Centuria is a significant investor within the Direk community but this is our firstbuilt by Adelaide builder Sagle Constructions and is expected to be completed inearly 2023. Apex Group – one of Australia’s largest privately owned project in the area,” he said.
“We aim to deliver a sustainable development to the benefit of Apex and itsemployees while continuing Centuria’s commitment to steel distributors andmanufacturers – will relocate more than 100 employees to the new premises, whichoccupies a 5.4ha site on Caribou Drive.
It has signed a 15-year lease for the property, which will become its new SouthAustralian headquarters after relocating from its current base in Green Fields.environmental initiatives, reducing energy, water and waste where possible.”
The purpose-built facility will provide 21,160sq m of warehouse space, 820sq m ofoffice space, heavy-duty hardstand, full drive-around B-double truck access and on-grade roller doors with canopies for undercover loading.
Apex Steel Supplies managing director John Konstandopoulos said the building’s 40per cent site coverage allowed for future expansion.
“Our company was fast outgrowing space in our current facility and required abespoke new home that’s fit for purpose for our specialised equipment,” he said.“The new Direk property will help future-proof our rapidly expanding operations asthe business continues to evolve.”
Apex SA looks forward to moving into our new home in Early 2023.
The full article can be found in the The Advertiser 26/10/2021 – Page 41 of the Business Journal